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Dapur Karina-Pemesanan Makanan 1.0.7
Neuron Vim Studio
Di jaman yang dinamis dan modern iniandamembutuhkan makanan yang cepat tersedia namun tetap sehattanpaharus mengeluarkan waktu dan tenaga ekstra untukmendapatkannya,dikarenakan hal tersebut kami mengembangakanAplikasi DapurKarinauntuk menjawab kebutuhan anda saat ini.Easy and Healthy adalah komitmen yang kami pegang eratdalammemberikan layanan kepada anda, Easy dalam penggunaan danprosespemesanan serta Healthy dalam setiap menu yang kami sajikanbagianda.DapurKarina adalah Aplikasi yang memudahkan anda memesanmenumasakan pilihan melalui handphone anda, dengan proses yangdapatdipantau dan tentunya kami antarkan langsung ke alamattujuanpengiriman anda.Bagi anda yang malas keluar rumah atau tidak sempat keluarkantorkarena sedang sibuk, atau tidak sempat memasak, jangankhawatir,DapurKarina datang memberikan solusi pilih menu santapanuntuk hariini, melalui Aplikasi DapurKarina dan dapatkan promomenarik darikami.Pesan makanan untuk anak atau keluarga di rumah disaatandaberada dikantor atau di luar, sedangkan tidak sempat lagiuntukmenyajikan makanan, melaluli Aplikasi DapurKarina andatinggalpesan menu yang anda inginkan bagi keluarga anda maka kamiakanmengantarkan langsung kerumah anda.Makanan yang kami sajikan untuk anda, akan kamisiapkan/olahketika pesanan anda masuk, sehingga sajian yang andasantap masihfresh bukannya makanan yang sudah lama dimasak.Kami menggunakan Bahan dan Bumbu yang sehat, aman danhalaldikonsumsi bagi tubuh. Kami tidak menyimpan Bahan Makanandalamwaktu lama, dikarenakan kami menjamin kesegaran bahan makananyangkami sajikan untuk anda.Untuk Pengolahan makanan yang kami sajikan kami menjaminmakananyang kami sajikan dalam kondisi Higienis dan Baik, SesuaiStandarTinggi Pengolahan Kami.Kami juga sangat terbuka bagi anda yang jago masak atausudahmemiliki usaha kuliner dan ingin bergabung denganDapurKarina,silahkan menghubungi kontak kami.In the modern erathisdynamic and you need a quick meal available but remainhealthywithout having to spend extra time and effort to get it,because itis our mengembangakan DapurKarina application to answeryour needstoday.Easy and Healthy is a commitment that we hold tightly toprovideservices to you, easy to use and the booking process andHealthy inevery menu we serve for you.DapurKarina is an application that lets you book a cookingmenuselection via your mobile phone, with a process that canbemonitored and of course we deliver directly to yourdeliverydestination address.For those of you who are lazy to leave the house or do nothavetime to escape the office because it is busy, or do not havetimeto cook, do not worry, come DapurKarina provide solutionsselectdining menu for today, through the application DapurKarinaand getour special promo.Messages food for children or family at home while you're attheoffice or on the outside, while no longer had time to servefood,channeled through the applications menu DapurKarina you livethemessage that you want for your family then we will deliverdirectlyto your home.The food that we present to you, we'll package / if whenyourorder comes in, so that the dish that you eat is fresh ratherthanfood that has long cooked.We use ingredients and seasoning a healthy, safe andlawfulconsumed for the body. We do not store Foodstuff in a longtime,because we guarantee the freshness of the food that we presenttoyou.For processing food we serve our guarantee that we serve foodinhygienic conditions and Good, High Standards ComplianceProcessingUs.We are also very open to your own great cook or culinarybusinessand want to join DapurKarina, please contact contactus.
Om Telolet Om DJ 1.1.0
Neuron Vim Studio
TeloletDJ Aplikasi untuk memutar lagu DJ OMTelolet OM. Pilih DJ kesukaanmu dan mainkan musiknya.Lagu DJ kelasInternasional hadir di handphonemu.Download Sekarang Juga.
CafeBill Cashier POS 1.0.7
Neuron Vim Studio
Free. Easy. Simple. Flexible. Our commitmentin developing a CafeBill POS, with features that are easy andsimple but flexible and powerful and continuously developed.We provide for the hopes of helping you as a small and medium scaleentrepreneurs to increase productivity you.lite retail point of sales, point of sale calculator, 1 postalsystem, point of sale for android, point of sale and inventory forandroid, cashier, cashier app, impressions online boutique, vendorinventory app, businessFree. Easy. Simple.Flexible. Our commitment in developing a CafeBill POS, withfeatures that are easy and simple but flexible and powerful andcontinuously developed.We provide for the hopes of helping you as a small and medium scaleentrepreneurs to increase of productivity you.lite retail point of sales, point of sale calculator, 1 postalsystem, point of sale for android, point of sale and inventory forandroid, cashier, cashier app, impressions online boutique, vendorinventory app, business
Chicken Run n Farmer 2017 1.9.1
Neuron Vim Studio
Run ,Get Coins and rescue the chicken fromfarmer tries to make him his Dinner! A speedy run cute chickenneeds to escape the farmer in Jago Chicken Run.Jago Chicken run!!! is a simple and addictive adventurous run gamewith awesome gameplay. Our chicken is starving in this farm withcruel farmer, help the little chicken to run and collect all itscoins from the farm without being caught by the cruel farmer. Justclick the screen to make our chicken to jump all obstacles. Thisjago chicken run is the best adventure game for this season. It hasthe best fun run game with good graphics and music.